Posted by maneesha

Death Cafe - Bunbury, Western Australia

Hosted by Maneesha James & Sigari Luckwell


Dec. 9, 2013

Start time:

2:00 p.m. (Western Australian)

End time:

5:00 p.m. (Western Australian)

To be held at a private location

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

What is a Death Café?

“There is a form of magical thinking which goes like this: ‘if I even talk about the fact that I am going to die, that will bring it closer’. In my experience, that is not what happens; in fact the contrary is true. Acknowledging death brings life closer.” (Maneesha James)

During the last decade, the notion of a(café morte) was created by the Swiss  sociologist Bernard Crettaz and its popularity spread to France. The idea was taken up more recently by Jon Underwood (whose background is in Buddhist meditation) and he brought the phenomenon to the UK. It is now worldwide. In a radio interview in September last year, Jon explained the purpose of the Death café, saying, “We just want to create an environment where talking about death is natural and comfortable”.

“All the questions you ever wanted to ask but didn’t quite dare, were actually askable.” (Ritama, UK Death Café attendee)

“Few people like to talk about dying; this grassroots movement is trying to change attitudes…….so people can talk about death without fear” (Nita Lelyvad, LA attendee)

The aspects of death and dying can be as varied as are the groups themselves: how people would die if they could choose; medical, familial and psychological implications, the loss of beloved pets; the many different ways in which people can grieve and the ways some other culture better integrate the contemplation of death into everyday life; the Tibetan Bardo in a contemporary context; the role of meditation in a conscious death; how to follow up on practical, emotional and legal issues etc.

The occasion is mainly to provide a forum in which your questions, ideas and views can be aired. Everyone ‘s differences will be treated with respect and personal stories treated with confidentiality. For more information on workshops around death and dying, ask at the meeting or visit the website at   To read about Death cafes:    

Attendance is free: a donation toward the cake would be appreciated!

About Maneesha James & Sigari Luckwell

Maneesha; Psychotherapist and Meditation Facilitator. Director of OSHO's Sammasati (UK) supporting conscious living and dying.

Sigari: Clinical Psychologist and Meditation Teacher.