Death Cafe - Randers city

Hosted by Birigtte Sørensen


Dec. 19, 2018

Start time:

7:30 p.m. (london)

End time:

9:00 p.m. (london)



Kirketorvet 2A


8900 Randers C




Accepts donations

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

Death Cafe is a safe space to talk about death.

We come together over tea/ coffee and cake to express our hopes, fears, longings, coruosities and more. In this non-judgemental space we are free to explore what death is for us and to learn more about what is means for otthers.

Please join me for a warm, tender evening at the end of the year.

I will facilitate an open, inclusive space where divergent views can be held with care and love.

I believe talking about death will support trust, presence and quality in our lives.  

All are welcomed, as long as you are over 18 years old and speak danish.  

Key info:

Please arrive between 19.15 - 19.30. to ensure the space is as safe as possible.

New people can't join the group once aggrements have been establlished.

Donations of 20,- kr will be accepted to cover expenses for cake and drinking. With any left over money it will be given to 'Frivilligværket' Randers.

If any questions feel free to send me a message.

About Birigtte Sørensen

I am 54 year old - daughter, sister, mother and former wife.  Parents still alive, but ....                               One year ago my father was diagnosted with cancer; he had untill thid message been living a long and healthy life - and was caught in fear.

He still can't and will not talk about anything relateed to death or dying.

I found out that I need a place, where it is possible to reflect my thought and listen to other people dealing with their hopes, fears and thoughts about death.  

I found this site 'Death Cafe' which gave me hope and vision. 

Now I hope to bring this tradition og Death Cafe to Randers - and there by create a possibility to talk about death.  I believe we need a Death Cafe to qualify life.


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Professional I am an occupational therapist, been working 25 years in mental health hospital and now as a psykotherapist.

I will organise this evening, be your host and facilitator during our first Death Cafe in Randers.

I look forward to meet you.

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe
